Sing i5/iSeries Choir Sing!
(And if you can’t sing at least download* and distribute)

By Dan Duffy

For years we, i5 / iSeries people (also known as “The Chosen Ones” or “The Choir”), have been complaining that IBM has been holding the greatest computing platform in the world (our beloved i5 / iSeries) hostage within a Stealth Marketing Plan. Guess what? The Stealth Marketing Plan has been broken! IBM has actually produced four, count‘em four commercials that humourously highlight the messages that we’ve been trying to get out for years namely that the i5 and iSeries are:
1. Simple to use
2. Don’t require a large staff
3. Do under one roof what it would take many servers to execute on any other platform.
4. Are ideal for workload consolidation
5. Have a very low cost of ownership
So? So let’s tell some people.
More importantly let’s tell some people who don’t know anything about the i5/iSeries, especially the ones who think Intel is the cure all for every IT problem.
You can download the commercials.
Send at least one of them (the “People” one is my favourite) to at least 10 “non-believers” that you know. If everyone on the TUG mailing list does this approximately 50,000 people will get the i5/iSeries message and have a laugh at the same time.
That has to be good for us and for them.
The People
Dan Duffy is President of Mid-Range Computer Group Inc. He can be reached at Consolidation
* To download the MPG file,
right-click on the image
and do a "Save Target/Link As"
eServer i5 Family  
The IBM eServer i5 is the premier business server for clients who value integration, simplified use and support for the widest choice of business applications available on a single server. It is designed to integrate the latest operating systems and technologies, tested to work together, while simultaneously masking complexity.
The MPG files are very large (20 to 28 mb)